Oct 18th Just Announced – Scorpions coming to Singapore in 2020! Scorpions are bringing the ROCK to Singapore on March 4th 2020 along w/ WHITESNAKE. Tickets on sale October 23rd at 10am local.
Oct 15th Scorpions Elected Best Show at Rock In Rio 2019 Festival Thank you to all of our fans in Brazil and those who attended the Rock in Rio 2019 Festival for your support. The Scorpions were voted the best concert
Oct 11th ATTN Fans in Ecuador “Debido a los acontecimientos en el país y la intensificación de las protestas en los últimos días, el concierto de SCORPIONS en Ecuador se encuentra SUSPENDIDO, para salvaguardar la
Oct 8th Vote now – Scorpions Best Concert at Rock In Rio 2019 Festival Scorpions elected the best show of the 5th day at Rock in Rio 2019 with almost of 60% of the votes! Now you can vote for Scorpions as the
Oct 3rd NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: Klaus Meine & Matthias Jabs – Wind Of Change NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE 🎥💥 Klaus and Matthias performing the iconic Scorpions hit as part of a benefit concert against racism and violence. The concert was broadcast live on
Sep 24th NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: Under The Same Sun NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE 🎥💥 Scorpions performing “Under The Same Sun” on the cult German TV show “Wetten, dass..?” in January 1994. The song was featured on the band’s
Sep 20th Signed Guitar by Scorpions at Rock in Rio 2019 Bid now for a chance to win a guitar signed by the guys from Scorpions and help to reforest the Amazon! Amazonia Live was born with a dream –
Sep 19th Welcome the Scorpions to South America! Brazil! Chile! Colombia! Ecuador! Are you ready to Blackout? Don’t miss your chance to hear the Scorpions perform live.
Sep 6th NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: Amazonia Greenpeace Documentary In cooperation with Greenpeace International, the Scorpions ventured deep into the Brazilian jungle in 2008 for a sold out show to support the campaign to save the destruction of